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Journey to the TTalk

I have finally completed my Pitch Idea. This Pitch idea has taught me a lot and has made me more intrigued about my topic. After doing my Pitch about animal fur being used for clothing, I was excited to learn about my topic more in depth. It was a great introduction to the TTALK. I had about a month to complete my TTALK. I chose to present my TTALK on December 5th. I was very happy with my chosen date. Usually for assignments I would offer to be one of the first people to present, but this assignment I was not very confident of what I needed to do. I thought that if I picked a later date, this would give me time to look over other people's TTALK and reflect upon mine and if needed change some things.

After choosing my date we had to make an Action Plan. My Individual and Societies teacher has told my class about something called an Action Plan. We had to create tasks and goals to do for certain due dates and over time complete it. At first, I didn't think that this action plan would be effective due to my habit of procrastination. I also didn't think that this Action Plan would help me in the future. I was very surprised how much my Action Plan has actually helped me. It has helped me with time management and self direction. I needed to figure out a way for everything to be done over time instead of last minute. Setting up strict due dates, tasks and goals has helped me over time and gave me great guidelines for what I needed to get done. My Action Plan has also helped me to self direct myself. I believe that in the future I will need to use this skill of self management more often as teachers become less and less reliant. Not only have I learned new skills but I have realized that if you have a long term project, it is much easier to set everything up for specific due dates, and make an outline of what you need to research, sketch, etc. I was very happy with my action plan and it helped me so much and gave me great guidelines for my TTALK.

Once I have completed all my research I had to limit everything and make sure that all of my notes were in point form. This was difficult for me. I think one of my greatest challenges going into this project was knowing enough about my topic that I would be able to have a few point form notes and create a 4-6 minute presentation. Now that I am getting closer to my due date I am realizing that my challenge wasn't a challenge after all. If you are passionate about something and you practice a lot, it can really make a difference. I am both excited and nervous about presenting. Most importantly; I want my goal to be achieved. I want to help spread awareness about this important issue that I have become so passionate about and hopefully help people make a change for a great cause.

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